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Values & Vision




Values & Vision





Everything we strive to do as a church is a response to what God has already done for us: in giving His Son so that we might receive the "freedom of the children of God" (Romans 8:21). As a church, we look to live together for Jesus, find joy and fullness in Him, and use what gifts, influence, and resources He has entrusted to us to serve our community. (Matthew 11:28-30; Psalm 16:11;  Philippians 2:3-10)


Dwelling deeply with God and expecting greatly of Him.

Since October 2019 we’ve experienced a wave God’s powerful work in our church- miraculous healing of bodies, minds, and hearts; prophetic words, fervent prayer, overt spiritual warfare, and deep joy as we’ve sensed God's nearness in new ways. We believe all of this work is the fruit of Jesus’ work in the gospel- God’s Kingdom is here and going forward in truth, love, and power. Our only possible response as a church is to set our 2024 vision on faithfully embracing what God is already doing- teaching us to dwell more deeply with Him in everyday life and to expect Holy Spirit to advance the Kingdom of Jesus Christ powerfully in us and through us into the city!

VALUES | There are five core values that represent who we want to be as a church in our city.

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Live Jesus Centered

Everything we do flows from Jesus and His message. No one is more misconstrued in our culture that Jesus. Our Jesus is oftentimes far too safe and comfortable, but we believe that knowing and embodying the real Jesus is powerful- He came that the world could see God's reckless love for us!


Belong as Family

In a place like LA, experiencing family is fleeting. Yet God has invited us into His family and connected us to a collection of people tied together by Jesus. We are counter-cultural in both our care for one another and our commitment to be present with one another through thick and thin.

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Seek JUstice

The Prophet Micah gives us a clear frame work for what the Lord requires of us (his people); “to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God.” As the people of God, we should be leading the way in seeking justice for the oppressed, bringing hope to the marginalized, and caring for the orphan and the widow. We are ministers of reconciliation working to expand the Kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven.

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pursue Holistic Health

Since Jesus cared for human beings holistically- feeding the hungry, healing the sick, freeing the bound, speaking truth to systems of power, and bringing hope to the hopeless- we too must step into the fray to serve the complex needs of our communities.


Build Toward Movement

Jesus invites us to participate with Him through intentional efforts to equip disciples, start communities, plant gospel-centered churches, and celebrate sending disciples into the next chapter God's Spirit has for them.